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Personal Finance Management Application

In this challenge, you will create a personal finance management application. The primary objective is to improve your coding skills, so you can adapt the project to suit your needs and preferences. You should create a mobile app, maybe cross-platform, depending on your coding experience and preferences.

Here are some guidelines to help you get started.

Define Your Project Scope

Clearly outline the objectives of your project. Decide what specific features you want to include in your app. Since your primary goal is to improve your coding skills and learn new things, focus on functionality and not the visual aspects.

Choose a Development Platform

Select a development platform that you're comfortable with (and which type of smartphone you are using ). You can opt for mobile development using a framework like React Native, Flutter, or a platform-specific language like Swift (iOS) or Kotlin (Android).

Core Features

Concentrate on the essential functionalities:

  • Expense Tracking: Implement a system to input and store your daily expenses.
  • Budget Management: Create a feature that allows you to set and manage budgets.
  • Income Tracking: Add functionality to record your sources of income.
  • Savings Goals: Include a simple savings goal tracker.

Nice-to-have features:

  • Reports: Create a basic reporting system to display your financial data.
  • Reminders: Add a reminder system to help you stay on track with your budget.

Storing Data

Set up a database using SQLite to store your financial data.

User Interface (UI)

While the focus is on coding skills, design a basic and functional user interface. This doesn't need to be overly complex or visually appealing; it should allow you to interact with your app effectively.

Testing and Debugging

Test your app thoroughly and fix any bugs you encounter. This is a valuable part of the learning process.


Even if the app is just for your personal use, practice secure coding. Sanitize inputs, protect against SQL injection, and secure your database.


Document your code and create comments to make it easier for another developers to understand and maintain. As your coding skills grow, you can continuously enhance your app. You might add more features, improve the user interface, or even consider implementing additional technologies and tools.

Learning Resources

Utilize online tutorials, documentation, and coding forums to help you overcome challenges and learn new coding techniques.

Version Control

Use git and Github to keep track of changes in your code and collaborate with yourself, especially if you plan to take this challenge with your team.

Time Management

Set aside dedicated time for your coding project. According to project size, it should take less than 75 days. Consistency and regular practice will help you improve your coding skills faster. Don't rely on motivation alone; discipline is essential.

Keep It Personal

Remember that this is your personal project for learning and improving. Don't worry too much about making it perfect. The primary objective is to learn and grow.

By following these guidelines, you can create a personal finance management app for self-improvement while gaining valuable coding experience. As your skills improve, you can adapt and expand the app to meet your evolving needs and explore new coding challenges.